Molly Nedrow - Science

Talk a Mile a Minute:

Students are talking through the term or picture shown on the board with their partner.  The partner has his/her back to the board and doesn't know what it is as he/she is trying to guess what it is using the partner's clues - the clues cannot include the actual term.  It is a timed assessment and each person in the pair gets a chance to participate in both roles - person giving clues and person guessing the term/picture.
This is an excellent way to see how well the students understand terminology/academic vocabulary. 
I usually use between 6 and 10 terms/pictures so each student gets between 3 and 5 terms to explain to their partner.


Students are given an index card and are prompted to think of and write a question (higher level thinking type question - analyze, evaluate, create) and the answer to their question on their index card.  Then, the students will all stand and move around the room (using different methods - touch x amount of chairs then stop and partner with the one closest to you, move around until the music stops, etc.).  When the student gets a partner they are given ~ 1 minute to discuss one of the pair's question and answer, then another minute to discuss the other question and answer.  This can be done repeatedly with students interacting with different partners. 
This is a good way to review a unit as a test or quiz approaches.  It can be student directed where they create their own questions (monitored and improved by the teacher as necessary) or the teacher can generate the questions for students to discuss with each other. 

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